
Future Roads is New Zealand's largest roading industry conference, first held at Claudelands Events Centre in Hamilton in November 2022. The 2024 event attracted over 330 delegates.

The annual conference is designed to attract an audience from transport teams across local and central government, along with the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi. The conference is supported by the engineering and infrastructure services community. 

Conference content is assembled under the guidance of an advisory panel. The key subject areas are leadership and government strategy, procurement, network future-proofing, technology, materials, and smart traffic signal technologies and control centres.  

The large exhibition hall hosts technology displays and equipment providers from throughout New Zealand with exhibitors ready to discuss and share their knowledge. 

Future Roads is pleased to have the support of industry associations including Infrastructure New Zealand, UDINZ, Civil Contractors New Zealand, Signals NZ User Group (SNUG), Aggregate & Quarry Association (AQA), Transporting NZ, REAAA, and IPWEA.



Leadership and government strategy

  • NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi direction and overall government policy around roading
  • government funding and financing options
  • iwi investment and partnering in roading
  • network design
  • regulation


  • contract models
  • social procurement
  • standards and consistency
  • sustainability responsibilities – contractor or owner
  • the role of consultants and contractors
  • understanding and overcoming constraints in procurement processes

Network future-proofing

  • designing your roading network to withstand changes in climate
  • water-proofing and drainage considerations
  • re-sealing techniques
  • the question around managed retreat


  • future technologies around road construction and maintenance
  • international developments in roading technology
  • asphalt and bitumen plant technology
  • pavement design technologies
  • R & D


  • near sourcing
  • aggregate supply and specification
  • the supply of bitumen and asphalt
  • recycled materials

Smart Traffic Signal Technologies and Control Centres

  • developments in new signals technologies
  • wireless systems around cameras and radars
  • traffic monitoring and use of data



Freeman is an information services provider to the New Zealand corporate community, established in 2002.

It specialises in online subscription news and information services for specific business sectors, publishing a range of reports and maps, and running industry events.

Its publications include Energy News, Inside Resources, and Capital Letter. Inside Resources covers the extractives sector and includes the production of roading aggregates, concrete, and cement.

Other events Freeman owns and runs include the New Zealand Energy Excellence Awards, Downstream, Oceania Renewable Power Summit, and the Energy Trader Forum. 

Freeman also publishes large, detailed industry maps, which provide an in-depth picture of the different sectors the company works with. Maps include the popular Roading Map and Quarries Map.

As a niche industry information and events organisation, Freeman is working to lower its own emissions profile and assist other organisations on the path towards a lower carbon future.