The object of the Signals NZ User Group (SNUG) is the advancement of the fundamental knowledge of the art, science and practice of design, operation and maintenance of traffic signals.
SNUG is a subgroup of the Engineering NZ Transportation Group. Membership of SNUG is open to anyone with a membership in the Engineering NZ Transportation Group. If you wish to join then please email tech.groups@engineeringnz.org
The affairs of the SNUG are managed by a National Management Committee. They are responsible for the policy and administration of the Group, including:
- arranging conferences, seminars and symposia
- developing liaisons with existing organisations with similar or related objectives
- promotion of technical education by such means as discussion groups, technical papers and assistance to educational authorities
- assistance with the preparation of standard specifications, contract procedures, codes of practice, etc
- preparation of public relations material
- encouragement of relevant research
- the expression of the views of the Group on matters within the Group's activity and interests