2021 Sponsor content
Platinum Sponsors |
WITT Overview |
Platinum Sponsor |
Use our navigator to explore funds that might apply to your energy innovation requirements. Energy Innovation Fund Navigator |
Solutions Partner |
New Kona Series II |
Solutions Partner |
To provide real-life inspiration, here are some of the innovations we’re already involved with to make change matter. Follow Simply Energy on LinkedIn |
Solutions Partner |
Solutions Partner |
Talk to Thundergrid about your EV roadmap. |
Supporter |
How to join | Toitū carbon assess Your first assessment | Toitū carbon assess Toitū climate positive Oct 2021 webinar: Going above and beyond |
Online resources
In February 2021, Transpower launched (via webinar) its Electrification Roadmap. It identified policy, commercial and consumer levers available to accelerate the decarbonisation of Aotearoa New Zealand’s transport and process heat sectors, consistent with meeting our 2030 Paris Agreement and 2050 net-zero carbon economy commitments. |
Government Investment in Decarbonising Industry (GIDI) Fund The Government Investment in Decarbonising Industry (GIDI) Fund is a partnership between Government and business to accelerate the decarbonisation of industrial process heat and contribute to the COVID-19 recovery by stimulating the domestic economy and supporting employment. |
Up to $25m a year in funding is available to support the demonstration and adoption of low emission transport technology, innovation and infrastructure to accelerate the decarbonisation of the New Zealand transport sector. |
This working paper aims to contribute to research on how New Zealand might better report and manage climate risks and maximise opportunities in the transition to a low-carbon economy. |
Carbon Footprint of New Zealand’s built environment thinkstep-anz’s new report suggests that New Zealand’s built environment may be responsible for approximately 20 percent of New Zealand’s gross carbon footprint. |
Decarbonisation options for New Zealand’s built environment thinkstep-anz’s new report identifies opportunities to decarbonise New Zealand’s building and construction sector by 40% with a focus on embodied emissions from now until 2050. |