Jon Varndell

Group Director - Civil Infrastructure, NZ

With a career spanning over three decades, Jon specialises in the strategic leadership and management of multidisciplinary transportation projects and is “passionate about working collaboratively with clients and project teams to build a high performing culture that everyone values and enjoys being part of”.

Jon has managed the design and construction phases of major road, railway and infrastructure projects in New Zealand, the UK, Hong Kong, and Dubai. The NZ projects include City Rail Link (Link Alliance); Memorial Park Alliance; Newmarket Viaduct replacement (Northern Gateway Alliance); Transmission Gully; and Eastern Busway. 

Jon’s international experience includes one of the UK’s first PPP road projects; upgrading of the light rail system in HK; a major reclamation and associated transport infrastructure project in the central business district on Hong Kong Island; and Dubai Metro - the first urban rail system in the Middle East.

Jon was the Design Director in the Link Alliance delivering the detailed design and construction of City Rail Link, and is a Group Director at AECOM NZ Ltd.
